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Improving Patient Experience to Increase Visits and Loyalty

A regional urgent care provider was in the process of expanding their footprint and services. Given their key drivers of consideration and visiting are centered around convenience of physical distance from a patient’s location to the urgent care and overall projected wait-time when a patient needs care, our client acknowledged their opportunity to differentiate based on elevated patient experience.

Big Village designed and deployed a multimodal research effort to guide our client to a differentiated offer. More specifically, we:

More specifically, we:

Gauged current brand awareness and reputation
Mapped the urgent care patient journey
Evaluated our client’s performance across the critical touchpoints along the journey
Identified areas in need of attention as well as aspects of patient experience to elevate and, by extension, differentiate
Worked collaboratively with our client to develop and implement new practices, processes and touchpoints
Continually assess performance and progress relative to prioritized initiatives
Communicate positive changes to the market

The Outcome

Transactional patient experience scores have steadily increased at the brand and individual clinic level since the roll-out of experience enhancements.

Desired brand attributions and overall reputation scores have shown directional improvement.

Utilization rates at several clinics operating below capacity prior to improvements have shown an uptick which has improved revenue.