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A Banner Day for Mom?

May 12, 2023

This year, 86% of Americans are planning to celebrate Mother’s Day, and 64% plan to do some shopping.

Virtually all types of gifts are up slightly over 2022, with almost half of all those who anticipate buying a present saying it will be flowers (+4 from 2022).*

What does mom really want?

But is this what mom really wants? Not by a long shot. While half of moms will receive those flowers, only 16% want them. Can one day (and one gift?) ever begin to capture the complex dynamics, pressures and rewards of being a parent today? Maybe it isn’t surprising then that a vacation is what 27% of moms say this is what they would really like. And that number goes up to 36% if you are talking about a new, Gen Z mom. Time to myself is a wish for 21% of all moms, yet it is absolutely coveted by Millennial moms (37%).

These are just a few of the findings from research conducted by Big Village CARAVAN® in advance of Mother’s Day this weekend. These findings further underscore the importance of intergenerational dynamics between Millennials and their (mostly) Gen Alpha children and their (mostly) Boomer parents, which were examined in Cassandra’s most recent study, Parents on Board. Sixty percent of Millennial parents consider their own parents to be their role models in parenting, the highest of any generation. The interplay between generations — in terms of support, influence, and finances — is critical to understanding the Mom’s space today.

Parenting is harder than it has been in the past. More than three-quarters of today’s Gen X and Millennial moms (80%) say that as a parent, “I have to worry about a lot of things that my parents didn’t.” 53% percent of moms report that they have people close by that they can lean on to support them as a parent, which leaves a sizable minority without that close, local support. 46% of moms feel that parenting itself is a “lonely job”. It’s perhaps no wonder that two-thirds of Millennial parents are “constantly on the lookout” for advice and tips on parenting.

A publisher dedicated to Moms

To combat this isolation and loneliness, the editors at Wild Sky Media — a publisher dedicated to serving Moms — have created a community that parents can rely on for guidance, validation, inspiration, and encouragement.

“We know that moms are relying on their virtual village more than ever, and our teams at CafeMom,, LittleThings and MamásLatinas are proud to take on the role of a friend, a resource, and a confidant to guide moms – all moms – navigating the crazy wonderful journey that is parenthood,” Yuliana Delgado, VP of Content, says. “Our goal is to nurture moms the way moms nurture everyone else. Whether they’re a first-time mom, a single mom, a stepmom, a bonus mom, a grandmother, or another type of mother figure, we’re here for them. Raising the next generation of happy, kind, and confident kids starts with supporting moms.”


What does motherhood mean to different generations?

Each generation also brings the contours and context of their generational identity to what motherhood means for them. Cassandra has been exploring the concept of identity for each generation and notes how it is very different for Gen Zs than Millennials (and will be too for their Gen Alpha offspring!). Being a mom is more integral to one’s personal identity for Millennials – in much the same way it was for their Boomer parents a generation ago.

Gen Zs, defined by being practical, pragmatic, and with a keen focus on their mental health and self-care, take this approach with them into their wishes for Mother’s Day. While 18% of all moms report that they would like a massage for Mother’s Day, the number climbs to 28% for Gen Z moms.

The varied desires of moms on Mother’s Day speak to the diversity of needs and experiences that exist in today’s mom’s landscape, many of which are driven by generation. Knowing how different cohorts of moms think about motherhood and the pressures they face in parenting are critical in understanding how to speak to mom today. And will help in determining what gift to buy for Mother’s Day!

*Thirty percent say they’ll be purchasing chocolate and candies or paper greeting cards, followed by (28%). Sharing a meal is a common way in which to celebrate, with 41% saying they will dine out, order-in or pick-up a meal curb-side and another 40% will cook at home.